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Our Team

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Yael Millgram

Lab Director

I am an assistant professor at the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University. I received my PhD in clinical psychology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and completed my post-doctoral studies at Harvard University.


My research focuses on understanding how emotions, and emotion related processes, can lead to the development or maintenance of psychopathology. I’m specifically interested in how processes like identifying the cause of emotions, or being motivated to experience certain emotions, can affect clinical conditions like Mood Disorders, suicide and self-harm. In my work I integrate methods from affective and clinical science, including experimental and longitudinal designs, Ecological Momentary Assessments, clinical evaluations, and big data analysis

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Vera Chernetska

Graduate student

I am an M.A. student of clinical psychology at Tel-Aviv University, where I also received my B.A. in psychology and humanities. My research focuses on the longitudinal relationship between emotion regulation and suicidality. Specifically, I am interested in the way that knowledge about the source of one's emotions can influence the persistence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

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Laura Wolovelsky

Graduate student

I am an MA student in clinical psychology at Tel Aviv University, working under the supervision of Dr. Yael Milgram. I hold a B.A. in Psychology and Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. For my Master's research, I will focus on emotion regulation, specifically examining how source attribution of emotion influences emotion regulation and overall well-being.

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Adi Katznelson

Lab manager

I am a final-year B.Sc. student in Biology and Psychology and an M.A. student in the direct track of the Social Psychology program at Tel Aviv University, conducting my research in the lab of Prof. Nira Liberman. I am particularly interested in the relationship between internal states and the development of psychopathologies. Specifically, my research focuses on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and how internal states are related to its occurrence. Over the past year, I have been managing the lab of Dr. Yael Milgram and engaged in research on the relationship between the availability of information about the sources of distress and emotional support

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Shira Evron

Lab Software Programmer

I hold a B.Sc. in Software Engineering from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and am currently studying a second Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Tel Aviv University.

I am interested in clinical psychology, research, software engineering, and the intersections between these fields.

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